Partnering for Peace in Israel and Palestine
A public event with Combatants for Peace (CfP) will be held at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 13, in Gannett Auditorium. Registration is currently closed, but overflow space will be available in Davis Auditorium for those who wish to attend and watch the simulcast. Activists will share their powerful stories of transformation and joint work for dignity, justice, and liberty for all. This event is part of Skidmore's efforts to provide educational perspectives on the Middle East conflict. Views expressed by participants and presenters are their own.
Wyckoff Center presents Lovefest
Please visit Wyckoff Center for a Valentine’s Day open house from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 14. There will be stations with arts and crafts, emotional support animals, seated massage, reiki, a sound bath, and more. Sweet treats and snacks will be provided. We are guided by bell hooks’ wisdom from her book “All About Love: New Visions”: “To truly love we must learn to mix various ingredients — care, affection, recognition, respect, commitment, and trust, as well as honest and open communication.” Students, staff, faculty, and retirees are welcome to join.
Camp Northwoods registration
Online registration for Camp Northwoods, Skidmore's summer day camp for children, opens for employees at 9 a.m. on Thursday, Feb. 8. Skidmore community members receive priority and will be sent an email with specific instructions that morning. For more information, contact Christine Merrill.
President’s office hours
President Conner will hold office hours from 3 to 4 p.m. Thursday, April 4. All faculty, staff, and students are invited to request a 10-minute, in-person appointment. To register, please email Requests will be handled in the order that they are received.
Summer Experience Fund Award applications
Applications for the Summer Experience Fund and Post Grad Awards are due April 11. Stipends of $4,500 are awarded to support students completing internships, research assignments, community service projects, artist residencies, apprenticeships, and more. Email for more information.
SEE-Beyond Award application for summer
Applications for SEE-Beyond Awards are due March 21. SEE-Beyond invites students to apply academic-year learning to real-world challenges during the summer, and awardees will receive $6,000 to support a variety of academic endeavors, such as laboratory research, internships, and artistic residencies. For more information, email
2024 Summer Pre-College application
Did you know Skidmore's pre-college program is one of the top 10 in the country? Returning to in-person learning this year, high school juniors and seniors are invited to live on campus, take Skidmore classes, and earn college credit. Classes run July 1 to Aug. 3. Learn more.
Skidmore Student Exhibition
The 2024 Juried Skidmore Student Exhibition will have its opening reception from 5 to 6:30 p.m. today, Feb. 7, in the Schick Gallery, Saisselin Art Center. Each year, an arts professional selects student works for inclusion from over 200 submissions; this year’s juror is artist Wendy Ide Williams. For more information, contact Rebecca Shepard.
Red Cross blood drive
There will be a Red Cross blood drive from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 9, in the IM/Dance Gym. To schedule an appointment, go to and use the sponsor code “Skidmore.” Contact Michelle Hubbs with questions.